Sunday, December 04, 2005

DC stamps

The post office is releasing a series of stamps based off of Superhero characters. Pretty cool if you ask me. Here's the link to the Post.

Now normally stamps aren't a big deal to me. But since doing my own thing I've had to use a lot of stamps and go to the post office almost routinely.

The stamps I've had are pretty lame. Sometimes they don't even ask and give you stamps that are butt ugly. Now I have a sheet that's all Xmas oriented so I need to get rid of that as fast as possible before the end of the month. How lame to get Xmas stamps after the season is all over?

Anyway, I gotta get me these stamps to use. All are pretty cool heroes....except I wasn't into Supergirl too much. Plasticman is another questionable one too.

Aquaman is arguably the lamest superhero in existence. He can talk to fish. Yay.


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