Hawaii Captive Insurance Council

I don't mind the design, I think it's pretty clean and simple. Of course I may have done things differently but for all it's worth, it's a clean template. I've worked with this particular design firm before. They're basically my competition but in a market this small, we really can't afford having a bad relationship with anyone. At least that's my take on it. This particular firm I quite respect because they do clean coding. I like that.
Of course, I know for a fact there are design businesses in town who bad mouth everyone. So I wouldn't be shocked to hear of my competitors knocking down what I do. It's business. People can choose to run it any way they like right?
I prefer the old saying, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".
Anyway, this job wasn't difficult, but it was hella time-consuming. I'm glad to have it all done finally.
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