Anyway, I ordered this online through a company in Florida. I won't name their name but if anybody wants to know just email me. Anyway, the Apple website itself has this company's products so it's not like it's a tiny little mom and pop shop.
It turned out to be a really cool case. Very sleek looking, durable, and doesn't pick up fingerprints. Another well-designed product.
Get this though.... the reason why this took more then 1 month to get to me? They shipped it international. A couple of idiots figured Hawaii was out of the country and this needed to go through customs. UUUUGH! I had called once to check on my payment and I remember the lady who answered saying that shipping for me wasn't free like they had advertised. She briefly mentioned something about customs but before that sank into my head the call was over.
Then later when I emailed them asking why it seems like I could have swam to Hawaii faster then this package was taking getting here, some idiot told me it's probably a customs issue.
It wasn't until they hired a new sales manager that the guy apologized to me and explained that they're trying to get their act together in realizing Hawaii was one of the States. He promplty sent it to me 2nd day air after that. Dear god...
Anyway, at least I got it and it's cool.
Now I have it hooked up to my entertainment system....which is neat because it's like a long random jukebox. But I must say, MP3s really do sound inferior to the source CDs, I don't care what people say. No highs, no lows. I guess it's all you can expect pumping tunes out of a little tiny jack.
Now I wonder how many songs from the Sound of Music it will take to drive my neighbors crazy?
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