I hate Mondays sometimes
You want to know how it's been like today?
I have one client contact out on vacation... so the first call I get this morning is from someone I don't know hoping to get something rushed for the big boss.
I have another client that I recently spent over 150 hrs of time getting a new website up for. But now one of the partners doesn't like it so we are likely to scrap everything and design a new site for them. While it's no skin off my back since it just means I get to bill again for more work....it's still personally hearbreaking because it's like I worked so hard for nothing, just because one person doesn't like it way after-the-fact. I've learned to have thick skin in this business.
I woke up bright and early today so I could make a phone call to an east coast branch of the nursing board that is in charge of looking at Florence's transcripts. I guess it's their job to evaluate and test whether her degrees are real. Anyway, their instructions for their application forms are about as clear as Kailua Beach water after a rain storm. (ok...local reference, you're better off not knowing if you don't know already)
I had one meeting today with one new client YAY!
Now I have to run down to see my buddy Chris at the police station to file a small report for my missing wallet last week.
And in the afternoon I have to rush off to see another new client involving hearing aids. YAY!
It's seriously crazy today.... it's one of those knuckle biting seat-of-my-pants days trying to get everything done for everyone.
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