Friday, April 14, 2006


OK, so it's past one of my best friend's birthdays and I haven't found anything for him yet. Isn't that so sad?

Here I am wracking my brain wondering what to get him and I have no idea. He's usually one of the easiest ones to get for too....usually a comic book or a toy or something and he'd be happy. I'm the same way.

The problem is....I've been shelled up at home for the past 8 months, I have absolutely NO idea what's the IN thing now. I'm the same way even with my brother....what do I get him these days he can't already get all around him in San Fran?

I think.. hmmm.... video game? Nothing really exciting out. I mean, I'm not rich enough to get him an Xbox 360 or anything.

Best Buy gift card? Nah.... a gift card is another way of saying "I can't think of absolutely anything at all so here's this little gift card that's looks a little better then giving you cash....OH, and you can only use it at Best Buy. Knock yourself out!" I've given and recieved my share of gift cards....I'm trying my best to boycott them now. I admit I was about one foot out the door today to go get him a gift card.

I thought I had a brilliant idea to get him a family domain name like "" or something like that for his email addresses but everything I looked up was taken. These days you're lucky to get any kind of .COM address at all.

So....what to do? Yes....I suppose if I had been a responsible friend I would have seen this coming months in advance and kept my eyes open. But here's where I pull out my trump card and say "But I'm a single guy, we're not supposed to be responsible at these things" I give myself a pat on the back just for remembering the friend's birth months, let's not even talk about the right days.

/sigh. I think I'd rather look like the loser and not get him anything just because of desperation. If I get someone something, it's gotta be something I KNOW they will love.

They should make it a new rule as you get no longer have to get something silly on your friend's birthdays, but anytime you see something during the year you KNOW they'll like you can just get it for them. Hmmm? Good rule? Hahah. I say it's good because it makes me look less like the punk.

Sigh. It will be so embarrassing to see him without anything........ Big D, if you're reading this. Sorry man, you'll just have to wait with a rain check till Raph get's his head out of his ass to find you something good. I'd give you a free gift pass to unlimited porn or something but I don't think your computer can handle the stress. hahaha.


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