Monday, April 24, 2006


Here's a design related post (it's about time right?)...

I friend of mine reminded me of this site that I always thought was kind of cool called Threadless (

The idea is that people get to submit their own designs to them online. It's like an ongoing competition each week where the viewers themselves get to vote on which ones they like best. The winner each 7 days gets their design put on tshirts to be sold right there in Threadless' online store.

It's a great idea. First it inspires graphic artists to come up with some pretty cool illustrations, and it also lets the buyer have feel like they have shirts that are a very limited edition.

I must admit that I have a fetish for cool one-off type tshirts. I like them when they're a little big different...only often these things come from Hong Kong, Japan or New York so they're very expensive.

Check it out....


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