Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hong Kong

Hot as hell. Think it get's hot in Hawaii? Nuh uh. I think when I got here it was about 86 night. The humidity makes a huge impact. It's like when you walk outside the heat hits you, just like in Las Vegas. Except picture someone blowing hot steam in your face too.

I'd take a shower in the morning and the minute I step out the door I'd be all sticky and sweaty again. And I seem to be the only one that feels this... nobody else looks like they're suffering. My GF says, "oh it feels fine!"

I'm still on Hawaii time. So I end up waking up at 5:30am and thinking, "let's GO let's GO!" But by the time it's 6pm at night I'm like a walking zombie.

Other things I'm not used to:
Water -- you have to boil all your water here. It's like Survivor.
Shower -- they have gas heaters. The problem with gas heaters is that it operates very inconsistently. So you get water that's constantly going hot-cold-hot-cold. I either get scalding hot water, or freezing cold. I can't seem to get it just right.
Elevators -- for some reason, elevators in HK are always super small. Pack about 5 people in one of them, you're practically rubbing up against someone. I think I have minor claustrophobia, this doesn't help. By the time I've ridden down 23 floors packed up against a couple of chinese people, I'm ready to scream.

Well, I haven't had a chance to take many photos yet, I'll try to upload some soon.


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