Monday, August 07, 2006

Getting old

I bought a new vacuum cleaner last week. Costco had a coupon for an upright Eureka vacuum that has the hepa filter and bagless system for $100. I had originally wanted to save for one of those fancy Dyson ones with that "hurricane" system, but that's something like $400 instead. My dad said, "Son, it's just a vacuum, you can go through 4 crappy vacuums with the same money you'd use to buy one of those Dysons". I figured he was right.

So far this thing has been amazing.... it's like I can go "OOOOH, what else can I vacuum so I can watch the little plastic collection cup swirl the particles around?" You know what's truly sad and pathetic? I must have vacuumed my house about 3 or 4 times already this's sadly been a source of fun for me.

You KNOW your life had taken a downturn when the highlight of your day is vacuuming.

And here I am contemplating some cooking classes too. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm OOOOLD. I might as well let my gut out and start farting and burping freely because I'm on the downhill ride baby! Yeah, my fiancee better not hear that.

One of my best friends started his own blog. OOH? Did I start a movement among my friends? Hmmm. It's only 2 days old but it's already a fun little read....check it out at: The Adventures of Kinohi and Ka'ili. I think that's a clever idea to use a blog as a way to log the experiences of your kids. I might try that someday when there's a little Raph running around.

Brrrrr. Scary thought!


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Cameron, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA said...

Yes mate, that is scary when vacuuming and cleaning become a FUN activity. Hey I have started to get that way to. Ever since having my own house, I am getting particular how things should be. Oh and yes letting the gut hang out, burping and farting will not endear you more to your fiancee (and she will read this you know). It is a nature thing to release gas so I say release as much as you like whenever you like. Better out than in :} Sorry Florence, guys are built this way.

At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha... ha... I agree with you guys!!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Raphael said...

True. Better out then in. :)


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