Random Goodness
I went around this morning searching for information about how businesses get past the 2nd year. Sure there was a bunch I easily found about starting a business in the 1st year, but I have to imagine the 2nd year has a different set of difficulties too? It's probably just as hard if not harder.
Anyway, my search turned up zilch, zippo...nadda.
But I did turn up a few good bits of information on random subjects I found interesting:
"10 Myths About Self-Employment"
I found this one to be a bit of unexpected encouragement for us self-employed people. Yeah! It does have advantages.
"How to Become an Early Riser"
My best friend is surprised that I still set my alarm to get up early each morning. He says if it's up to him, he'd sleep in every day till noon. Well, I do set my alarm to buzz me up at 7:22am each morning. Why 7:22 you ask? It was just a habit I picked up a few years back, I noticed if I had a weird number like that it woke me up better then a round value like 7:30. Maybe in my dull morning mind I look at that clock each morning and think "What the fuck....it's 7:22! Who's the idiot that set that time?"
"Top 10 Website Mistakes: Are YOU Making Them?"
I think these are all good tips. They're quite common sense to those of us who do website design. But you'd be surprised how many people still ask me to do visitor counters and flashing text. I should print this list out and drop it in front of them "Learn well little padawan"
OK, so still no information about how to avoid 2nd year self-employment trip ups. I guess I'm on my own to fumble around myself.
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