Freezing my balls off
But TODAY, I drove us up atop this hill overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge from Sacramento side and I swear my nuts wanted to crawl back into a warmer space. It was THAT cold.
I had quite a big accomplishment today *pat myself on the back*...I drove just the 2 of us all the way around San Fran and back in one piece. Hey that's quite a big deal for someone who's spent his entire life on an island let me tell ya. Here I was dodging crazy highway drivers and giant semi trucks just like the best of them.
Spent the morning dodging drug pot dealers in Haight-Ashbury, got a bit lost in the giant Golden Gate Park, and finally managed our way across and back from the GG bridge. I must say SF's road signs are fairly good except for one or two spots in and around the entrance into the city that are turned around.
Going good so far.... managing to stay out of trouble. I'll report back later.....
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