OK, I think I need therapy! I think I'm going insane.
Yesterday sucked. I spend 4 good hours whipping up a design re-vamp for one of my good clients. I had JUST about finished the design...maybe 90% there when I decided to step away for a while and take a small dinner break.
After finishing my meal and watching a show on TV I return to work only to find my Photoshop program is going all haywire. All the tools were doing things other then they were supposed to. I'm like "What the fuck?" The magnifying glass was acting like an eraser, I couldn't move my layers, etc etc. Don't know what I'm talking about? Suffice to say things were all messed up.
"Great." I tell myself. I distinctly recall telling myself to save my work before I decide to close Photoshop and reboot the machine.
I go through all that and when I got everything going again, I open my file which I supposedly saved and guess what?........... something else was saved OVER it.
OK, pause for dramatic impact.
And you know what I figured out afterwards? The reason why Photoshop was going haywire on me was because I had my Wacom pen tool resting on my tablet. So it was sending competing instructions to my computer...so that's why my mouse was doing different things. SUMMMAMMABEEEACH.
Yeah, not a good day. So I turned everything off and decided I'd spend my weekend trying to re-do the vision of what I had created. Certainly frustrated, but what can you do? I can't blame anyone but myself. I was cautious...I remembered to SAVE! But I made a mistake which costed me time and effort. Nobody to blame. Well, I'll blame WACOM....damn pen manufacturers damn you to hell!!!
Everything else is OK despite the frustration of having to wait for things. Still no movement on the fiancee visa. They do these reports only once ever 2 or 3 weeks or so and watching progress on this is worse then watching water boil. But yet I can't stop checking it.
Waiting on people to either pay me, or waiting for them to give me materials I need to finish their projects. I don't like having to wait on others to move my life along. Life is short people!
On the flip side, I've amped up my fitness regimen. I'll likely try to do the 12km Aloha Run this coming February. Which means I'll have to do a lot more running to get up to that point. I've been diligently running each week, but I usually just do enough to keep me in shape...not so much to push for competition. There's definitely a difference! If you talk to any marathon runners they'll usually tell you how all that running is bad for their body. Of course, I'm not training for a marathon...yet.
I'm finally getting pretty good with my abdomen workouts...so I'm not looking like a total loser when I do my crunches. I know there is a six-pack underneath this little pudgy stomach of mine hehe. I gotta get something to show there and then I'll be pretty happy with my body shape. I'll never be no male model or anything, but I'll be in better shape now then I ever was in highschool! Still got a typical asian flat ass though I should be doing ass exercises or invent me the male butt bra.
No no no, this isn't vanity is it? I figured I'm working hard at my workouts...I should at least reap the rewards in being happy with myself when I look in the mirror each day right?
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