Friday, January 19, 2007


As of today, I'm officially on VACATION! January 19th - January 28th. If you need to reach me for new projects or if you need any help with existing projects, please email me and I may periodically check my messages during this period. But unless it's an emergency, you may not hear a response till after the 28th. Thanks!

Today...a member of my business networking group suggested I dress in more "business-like attire". It's a fair request...he wasn't mean about it. I was dressed in my Lowe Studio tshirt with shorts and shoes. Something I've done many times before.

I guess as we are becoming an "official" chapter, he was concerned that we should all look more professional. Honestly? It rubbed me the wrong way. Those who know me know I HATE being told I can't do something. I don't take to authority too much. It's probably one of the main reasons I'm even in business for myself in the first place.

But, that little voice in my head told me to calm down, he was making an honest request and I can see that in a group like this, my appearance not only affects me anymore, but all the other business people in the group. SO....OK, I'll find myself some decent collared shirts for these meetings.

But it came to mind as I was sitting here this evening: what happens when I revert to doing the things to my appearance I did for many years? I have clients who knew me from the past and are still asking me why I don't have the colored hairdos, piercings and other things I used to do. I went through my whole college career with a mohawk for goodness sakes!

What happens when I finally get that sleeve tattoo I've been waiting for the past few years to get? No amount of cloth will be able to cover these issues up!

Well, I guess I'll tackle that when it comes. Frankly.... I don't give a beeswax. If they can't hack it, BYE BYE! Hopefully I get new business because they like my work...not because I look like every other monkey in the Downtown zoo. EEEP EEP.


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