Well, my site had been down for the last 12 hours if you hadn't noticed.
I had successfully transferred most of my domains off of Registerfly and had to go through the pain of working out all the logistics of pointing things like "nameservers" and "A records" -- stuff that I know works somehow...but not exactly HOW it works. Often times, you move your website or your domain name and you just have to wait and see...
Anyway, I'm back. Not all domain names and email addresses have been re-established. If you're a client or friend trying to reach me, it may be best to call for a few days until I can confirm everything is being received.
where did you register your domain name? i am kind of interested in starting my own.
Beyond the crap that was Registerfly,
the other companys I have experience with include and (which I suspect is the same company because when I log into either one of them it looks identical)
Registering should be pretty straightforward.
If you want to register with a local company, I can help you sign up with LavaNet. Even though I can help you get a discount there, they're still more expensive then anyone else and since they do everything manually, it's not as flexible. But I DO trust them.
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