Monday, March 12, 2007

Random Thoughts

So I managed to wrestle out most of my domain names from under the falling tree that is Registerfly at this point. Just 2 more trapped domain names still to go... what a mess. Rumors are that there was this one guy who started up the company and built it... and then he brought in his gay lover somehow so that he gets paid some kind of salary.

Long story short, this "lover" eventually asks for 50% of the company ownership...somehow they have a falling out, and then you have all these allegations of blackmail and sabotage going on now. This has the makings of a VHI "Behind the Scenes" drama doesn't it? Anyway, the company might go under any day now. Just like that....

Business has gotten so good lately I've had to push off some new prospects, which I hate doing...but strategically it helps that I can be a little pickier with the projects I decide to pick up over the next couple months. That's nice isn't it? I just have to keep up the momentum now.

I think it was right around this time of year in 2006 where I was this busy as well. This is something I'll keep in mind next year.

I've followed the advice of this self-employment book I'm reading to "give myself a vacation at least one day a week". Funny that I actually have to read advice in order to do this. Yesterday I watched the movie "300"

Without spoiling it for anyone... that movie was great. Forget what the critics say. I purposely denied myself from reading any reviews or watching any online previews before going to see it. Pretty awesome was "artsy" but it didn't go over the top. A bit like "Sin City" where it had a comic-book feel but it didn't detract from the story. I haven't seen better battle sequences since Braveheart and Lord of the Rings. I might even offer the opinion that the choreography in 300, specifically in the spear & shield work, was better then the other movies in fact.

The only problem is that you'll come out of the movie feeling like you need to do 300 situps and pushups.


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