Saturday, March 03, 2007

Raph the Rubbermaid

Well, in my personal news things are shuffling along.... only 4 months of single life left! So I found some new rings for my fiancee. The debacle from that whole ring incident last month turned out for the least for my girl. I can't describe what I got for her here because I want to keep this part a surprise, but that lucky girl will come out of this with an even better ring then the last one. I figured I'd indulge her a little since the poor girls been working hard to study for her license and working hard to get her US visa.

I'm not worse for wear, this year I've become numb to seeing big wedding cash figures flash before my eyes anyway, so this is just one of them. Yet I still can't bring myself to buy that camera...

Talk about cameras, I'll be waking up bright and early tomorrow around 5am to go photo-shoot the Straub womens 10K run around Diamond Head. I frankly don't know how I got suckered into doing another one of these things....I told my friend I'd think about it, and then BOOM, all of a sudden I'm given directions where to go and what time to show up. That sucker. Ahhh, what the heck it will be fun. I hope I don't get sunburned this time, it's about 3 hours long. I think I'll bring a beachmat to sit on, my ipod for music, & some drinks. That's taking photos in style baby!

I have a small weekend lull period in between projects right now. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up a couple of logos I've been working on. I've even helped out a little to do some product design for some keychains. Unfortunately I can't show these yet until they're fully baked.

I didn't realize how old I was until I was talking to a friend this morning... I brought up the subject about how I found this fantastic miracle cleaning Rubbermaid Mildew removal product at Longs the other day, meanwhile I was busy cleaning the toilet bowl while I was on the phone. Oh my god, I've gone from having a fun life playing live music almost every weekend to this?!


At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Cameron said...

It is called being responsible and mature (domesticated :}) - or getting old as you put it. I am riding the same boat - doing the household cleaning - something that I would have done reluctantly when younger. It becomes a little sad (and I guess worrying) when you start getting excited over cleaning products.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger The Tawatas said...

buy the damn camera!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Raphael said...

LOL. Yeah I should just shut up about the damn thing. Yesterday I actually WALKED in the damn camera store... talked with the store owner about the thing.... and then walked my sorry ass right out again. How freakin' sad.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger The Tawatas said...

dude...i completely understand.


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