3D Design
Lowe Studio LLC has sponsored its first event. And it's a pretty fun one.
If you're a student from any high school, college or university program in Hawaii, you're elible to this competition for the best 3D design. The winner will have their 3D object phyically created into an actual physical 3D model based off of these printers they have out now that can create 3D objects just using the same technology as your normal ink jet printer.
If you're interested in applying for this competition, or if you know of a student who's interested in new technology like this, print out this information sheet, and have them apply for this online at www.thinkrapid.com/design.
Yeah... I created the flier. It's pretty fun to have full creative liberty to do anything I wanted on it.
I'll only sponsor events selectively. Once people figure out you will sponsor events, suddenly every church group and non-profit thinks they can get free work from you. I'd love to be a big philanthropist for all these good causes, but it's an easy way to run a business to the ground doing free work for no pay. I'll probably only sponsor events that specifically only have something to do with design.
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