Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Break time

The 3 Stooges on my face are going away thank God. I had to battle that this weekend along with just some tiny cold symptoms. Basically just some exercise and some better diet helped all of that.

My Zeno thing still didn't arrive in the mail yet. I guess I don't need it yet but I'll be ready to zap the next little sucker that decides to show up again. I wonder if that thing really works? It better for the price I paid for it. There's a guarantee on that thing for so many weeks...but can you imagine how gross it is to mail that back? Blaaaaaaah. I don't even want to think about it.

It should work though according to all the favorable reviews about it. I mean we're so jaded these days about products that promise they do all this and that for you, but in your heart you just kind of assume it probably won't do all it says? Just like all those "As seen on TV" products. But once in a while a product surprises you and does EXACTLY everything it should. I've been meaning to type up a list of these things sometime. Maybe my next breaktime I'll do this. There are some things I've used and I'm 110% happy about it. They deserve to get at least some recognition for good designed products.

So I'm getting all into this CSS programming stuff a bit. Hey it's something new for a change, I'm pretty proud of it. On the other hand I'm sure I just scratched the surface of what it can do. I've been meaning to pick up a couple books about that stuff. Yeah I know that's the total geek thing to do but unless you take a class on this stuff the only way to learn it is to pick up some book and try to read your way through it without falling asleep.

Come to think about it, I've gotten quite a bit of books related to business or design lately. I'm going to have to find space for all these books soon. Which isn't going to be easy now that I have to clear out extra space for my fiancee who will be moving in soon. These books are expensive too, they add up. The worst part about buying computer related self-help books though are that they become obsolete when the next software version comes out. I got all all these old Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, etc books from all kinds of versions just sitting there gathering dust now.

Maybe I'll recycle the books into some weird post-modern artwork.


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