"Damnit get back on track and show design stuff Raph...."
Is that what you're thinking? Probably not hehe. I'd like to imagine you guys out there are reading this for design news but I know it's probably to read up on what mishaps I've managed to get myself into lately.
Anyway, I DO want to get at least some design stuff out again, I haven't had much opportunity. Hopefully in a few days I can roll out some new samples here. Meanwhile I got a couple of things to show:
"Ho...that's it?" Yep. Lately it's just a mad rush to finish up projects I had before the wedding and then trying to get a grasp on all the new ones on my table.
You like how I'm asking questions to myself and answering it myself?
My ma sent me a rather interesting art link the other day. This artist impressed me quite a bit:
CAUTION: Contains some "artful" or "disturbing" nudity so parental guidance is suggested. Apparently he makes ultra-realistic representations of people...but it's always done either super big or super small. So it challenges your perception of reality. I really wish we had a good art museum in Hawaii that where we can see stuff like this.
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