Hand Itchy

My computer is screwed up. After writing this blog, I'm going to basically reformat my computer and spend a long arduous day trying to reinstall everything and set it all up again. In Chinese there's a slang term that literally translates as, "Hand Itchy". I guess you can say it's similar in effect to saying, "You got ants in your pants"
"Hand Itchy" is the term we use when we say when you just were too curious with your hands and you got yourself in trouble. Remember when you were a kid and you just HAD to touch that elevator button even when your mom told you not to?
Well, that's what happened to me. Everything was fine on my computer yesterday morning and I got this little pop-up asking me if I wanted to upgrade my Acrobat Pro. Before thinking, I clicked, "YES". An hour later I find out that this upgrade was buggy -- I'm getting errors and now I can't even run any of my Adobe applications. That's basically my whole business. I can't uninstall it, I can't reinstall it...I've even tried manually wiping it out and cleaning the registry. I think nothing short of a full reformat and reinstall of my system will solve the problem.
My dad has "Hand Itchy" all the time when he installs programs on his PC. Ends up I have to be tech support and go over there and fix things all the time. It drives me crazy. Now here I am.... like father like son.
I'm SOOO ready for a MacPro already. Fuck this Microsoft crap. Who knows if it's even Window's fault, but I'm just sick of this whole thing. UGH. I'm not a happy camper around home these last couple days.
Lucky I got some of my aggression out at the NIN concert last night. They were pretty good. Trent Reznor looked fat now. What happened to his skinny drug addict look back in the day? Oh the memories. I don't know though... I enjoyed the TOOL concert better then Nine Inch Nails. Sorry Trent. I know without NIN, perhaps TOOL wouldn't even sound the way they do.
My wife survived the experience at least. On her birthday this weekend I'm taking her gun shooting. hehe. I'm overdosing her with all these crazy things this week. I wonder if she regrets marrying me yet?
Are you gonna hunt BUNNY WABBITS. Or is this paintball you are talking about. Florence might surprise you and get right into all this crazy shit you like doing.
Nah, we're shooting the real deal Holeyfield. Some of the local shooting clubs hold annual food bank drives where they bring all their own personal guns out for the public to learn about and fire.
My friend's club specializes in revolvers and "cowboy" guns...so we'll be shooting giant .45 revolvers & shotguns. Last year when I went down there I got to shoot an authentic civil war-era black-powder rifle.
Yeah, my wife might actually enjoy it all.
Stop whining about Windows and buy a Mac already! :)
Yeah, guarans already. I guess I'm just waiting for Leopard to come out. Then I'll be leaning on you for Mac tech support right? :)
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