Happy Wife...
OMG I think I married the anti-christ. Hehe. Alright alright, it's not that bad.
My wife doesn't seem to ever need to stop. If she's not working, she spending the night studying stocks, watching financial TV stations, studying lease options for cars, browsing realtor databases, logging our grocery list in a spreadsheet to study price changes, etc. I keed you not. She practically has all the Safeway produce prices memorized by now and the other day we were test driving a car for fun and she ended up asking questions to the salesman that I never even heard about..."money factor?!"
The thing is, I find it all very admirable. She's a woman that knows what she wants and will commit to that 24 hours a day.
On the other hand, I'm different...yes I'm driven with goals in my life, but I value my downtime as well. Sometimes I just want to do absolutely nothing and veg behind the TV, or go take a nap at the beach. Heck I grew up in Hawaii for God's sake. Plus in order for me to be creative, I gotta be in a happy state of mind...after doing 3 hours of accounting work and expenses there's just nothing left in me to do something inspirational.
Now she doesn't force me to do things...she says she does those things to "relax". That's fine. If she wants to do expense spreadsheets to relax while I go kill a "God of War" on my Playstation, that's kool and the gang. Only it makes me feel SOOO guilty these days I just can't find any way to relax anymore. We can be like watching a TV show together and she's perfectly ok walking away from it midway though to go clean the house... what am I supposed to do? Sit there and just lift my feet as she vacuums past me? "You missed a spot over there Honey"
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. That will be a swift kick out to the sofa for the night.
Thank god for TiVo or I'd never catch the ending of any of my shows.
I think I'll get used to this eventually, I hope. I need to find a way to shift my wife into low gear or I'll simply need to crawl into a dark corner to find a happy place.
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