Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Moving on up

I still want that camera.

I know, I know, I've been talking about this damn thing even before this model came out. I wanted the 30D. Now my wife is saying, "why don't you just wait for the 50D!" /sigh.

It's just so hard to justify when I'm not really making direct money off of this hobby and there's so many other financial things coming up that we have to tackle. But little by little I've been saving up for this on the side....one day IT WILL BE MINE! Bwaahahaha.

I was just "hired" recently to do some portrait shots. Considering I went with absolutely no equipment at all beyond just a camera and a tripod, I don't think I did that bad do you? I'm sure some full time pros would have a world of advice for me, but meh, I'm happy I got this far with my abilities. Whatever I've earned taking photos goes straight into my camera fund. I'd say that's fair enough don't you?

So I've been finally reading this book people have been encouraging me to read called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". It's a good philosophy. In a nutshell it basically reinforces the idea about not buying any liabilities until you're making money off your assets. Like DUH right? I guess the challenge isn't necessarily knowing it but actually practicing it is the challenge most of us face.

Applying some of that rule to this camera, I figure if I can at least make up the money off of my existing camera to pay for a new one...it's worth it. I'm not sure if that's what the author Kiyosaki intended but that's my modification to the rule and I'm sticking to it.

Speaking of assets, or in Kiyosaki's terms "liabilities", my wife and I will be closing on our first home today. One year to the day we got married well be moving into the new condo / office. It's exciting to be sure, but now more then ever I better stay on track with business and keep it growing. After the house, you know what often comes next........ /shiver

I think it's a good start though. 4 or 5 years from now, the market will turn around again, we rent this place out -- truly turn it into an asset and then we move on up. "Finally get our piece of the pie!" We'll get there Kiyosaki damn you!!!!


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