Monday, May 26, 2008

Form over function

My wife generally hates the furniture I bought as a bachelor. To some degree I guess I often choose form over function. My sofa doesn't have a back cushion high enough for my bed frame doesn't have a headboard so we can sit and read.... ok I grant that.

I suppose she wouldn't like the lamp above which is a apparently a folding metal origami design either. I think that's pretty neat although probably not very good as a functional light source. That'll go well with my lava lamp and my dancing electricity gizmo.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birfday to Meeee!

So today's my birthday... no no no, not in any need of any special attention or anything. It's just a day where I've traditionally chosen to allow myself to goof off a little. So be it that I might not return calls as quickly today, I might not let little things bother me, I let the house get a little messier....

It's just a feel-good day that I just reserve for myself.

I've already lost count of how old I am. Seriously. I thought this would be something that happens once you reach past 70 or something, but no, I think the effect started around 30. You just stop caring anymore.

Birthday's are no longer celebrated as religiously, you don't get any large parties with giant cakes reminding you how many years old you, you just forget. Yes I know it's a bit pathetic.

I'm probably not getting anything this year. Everyone's a bit strapped for cash thanks to the gas prices and economy. Thanks owe me some presents today you bitch. But later today after my wife finishes work she's taking me out to dinner and then she'll take me to go see Iron Man! Whoopeee! Believe me, when my wife agrees to go see a movie like Iron Man with me, it's a big deal.

I jest. You know, in light of all the disasters going around in the world right now...earthquake in China, typhoon in Myanmar, tornadoes across the US. I'm just happy to be alive! Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Design goodies

I've always wanted a motorcycle since I was 3 or 4 after being a HUGE fan of those Japanese Kikaida flicks on TV. But who am I kidding. I 'm too chicken to ever ride one. The biggest motored 2-wheel vehicle I've ever ridden was my friend's moped in our high-school parking lot and I almost planted face-first into the nearest concrete wall. I've been traumatized ever since.

Here we got a design concept for a bike that's obviously more for show then it is for practicality. What do you think? It's either design genious because it's SO far out of the box (get it?), or it's the most hideous thing to ever grace motorcycle design. You decide.
Here's a real fun site that was passed on to me regarding moving graffiti art. The guy who did this must have been VERY patient. I think it's super creative. Reminds me of the artwork a bandmate of mind did back in the days some 15 years ago. The characters were cool yet slightly disturbing. We wondered a bit if that wasn't a signal of something twisted in our friend's mind. Today he's a security guard or something.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Like this and like that and ah.....

Ho boy, life is a big ball of thinking-on-your-feet lately. I'm just rolling with the punches.

Business isn't half bad. It's a steady pulse...which I won't complain about but I gotta keep the wheels in motion otherwise all this talk about slow business and recession might catch up with me. Right around Summertime there's usually a good juicy project to get my hands on that will keep me occupied for a whole quarter... that's still possible, I have a few lukewarm proposals out there that just might pan out with enough patience and persistence, but it's still hard to make giant decisions based off of these possibilities.

An article was passed on to me from my networking group this morning which was somewhat motivational. I refuse to participate in a recession! is a good article written about a businessman who just simply ignored all the negative comments around him and just charged forward doing business as usual. I think I'm going to subscribe to that theory.

My wife has an eye infection. Don't look at's viral so I guess it's her own body fighting something within. Anyway, she got a bit frustrated calling for an appointment with the eye she was wanting to see the doctor as soon as possible because she was in pain, but they simply refused to fit her in any earlier.

I had similar frustrations before when I had an ear thing a couple years back. When you need a doctor, you either can't find one that's working, or you find others that don't take any new patients. WTF? What's wrong with our healthcare here in the US? I love my country but there are simply some things that we do is fucked up.

The last time I had a trip in Hong Kong, I needed something really quick. My wife marched me into a 24-hour clinic around the corner of her block, we saw a doc without waiting, and came out with the medication we needed. All within less then 15 minutes. WHAT THE.... we gotta get our act together here soon.

One of my fishes has some kind of thing growing on his face too. It's like a fish goiter. Poor little guy has this growth growing on the front and I don't see him eating. What can you do with a fish though? Nothing. I just named him "Nubs" Poor little Nubs.

Housing still hasn't really dropped very much here in Hawaii. Actual house sales have evened out and maybe cooled a fraction, but condo sales have actually climbed a little since last year it seems. Not by as crazy as amount as years before, but still not enough to help me and my wife get any closer to home ownership just yet. But we're getting our eggs in a row for now ready to leap when the opportunity comes up. It's still mindblowing how even ugly little studios costs as much here as a mansion would in other places of the country.

Sigh. The price of "paradise"...