Posted by on Mar 3, 2009 in Fashion, Humor | 1 comment

OK I needed a bit of good humor today and I stumbled across this sleeping bag.

I dunno, I find it pretty funny. On one hand I kinda want one simply for the sight gag. I see my little boy wrapped up in all his warm body suits lately, I wouldn’t mind an adult sized body suit to keep warm these days.

On the other hand I can only see bad outcomes from this. (1) You’re going to get attacked by a bear defending his territory, (2) you’re going to get humped by a bear looking for a good time, or (3) you’re going to get shot by a bear hunter and get your head mounted on his wall. I don’t know which is worse…

Either way it has the taste of Darwinism at work for anyone that would hop into one of these in bear territory. (Eiko Ishizawa via Monster-Munch)