Posted by on Nov 18, 2011 in My Business Adventures, Personal | 0 comments

So far I’m enjoying my new role as webmaster for the Community College. Yes, it’s challenging…not because of the actual technical work (because I’ve done web production many many times), but more so because of the way the academic environment works and how long it takes to get things decided.

But there are a lot of not-so-obvious perks to working here:

  • Lots of “toys”. Because it’s a role that ends up supporting faculty…they’re constantly ordering new equipment for me to review. I feel like I’m working for a tech blog or something. I’m getting new laptops every couple months, new wacom tablets, maybe a new tablet, netbooks, etc. All for the purpose of reviewing what works for the campus staff. It’s like geek heaven. I told my wife, “I’m collecting toys…let em keep coming”
  • In immeasurable benefit of the department(s) I work with right now is that every one is super friendly and supportive of each other. These are genuinely happy and funny people and so that attitude rubs off. I guess after working on my own for the last 6 years, I didn’t notice the benefit that comes from this kind of camaraderie.
  • Sounds like they may give me my own office. Sure, it’ll be one of those old brick offices with no windows to the outside world. But it’s a perk that I don’t take for granted. Maybe I can find a way to personalize it somehow. Hmmm…maybe I’ll get those funky wall art for my new office and some cozy lounge chairs.
Because I believe life goes in cycles, I’m bracing for when I might lose all of this…but for now, I’m just basking in the sun.