Posted by on Apr 27, 2009 in Design Finds, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

Who say’s nothing is free?  Here’s a good compilation of resources where you can get free vector graphics for any art projects you might have. Vector graphics allow you to stretch, pull, yank, enlarge, recolor, etc without any degredation in quality. (via Tutorialblog)

I’ve recovered about 90% – 95% of my flu.  There’s a lot of hoopla these days over the swine flu. Who knows what type I had…I’ll just call it the “sucky flu” because it really sucked ass. There were times I really wished to die I keed you not.  A friend of mine told me, “oh when you get to the point you feel like dieing is when you usually feel better the next day”.  I thought to myself, “Hmmm…nope, I think I felt like dieing for a few days now.”

Now I’m just left with an occasional cough and about a week’s worth of backlog projects. Not TOO bad I suppose.

I did manage to pull out the new camera for some shooting this weekend. Got some new kid shots of course, but my favorite so far is this one I took of my dad.  Yup, that’s Grandpa Lowe.  See the resemblence?  Anyway, this shot was taken handheld with no flash at ISO1600.  The camera pulled it off pretty well I’d say.  Can’t wait to feel well enough to take it out to some park and really experiment with it!