OK, I pulled the trigger and shuffled all my domains over to this site. *wave hi to everyone*
Please bear with me on this site. It’s a work-in-progress. There’s still a lot I want to do with it.
I asked my wife this weekend, “So what do you think?”. After some silence she says, “Well, it’s got a lot of information” Not quite the WOW response I was looking for. But then again if you know my wife, that’s about the level of response I get on most things:
“Oh hey how are you feeling with your pregnancy?”
“It’s OK”
“Oh so are you excited to see your family on this upcoming trip”
“Yeah it’ll be OK”
“Oh so a stampede of wild giraffes ran by you this afternoon and narrowly missed trampling you down, what are you feeling?”
“I’m OK”
/sigh. I digress.
So anyway, I plan to really embellish all the sections when I have the chance. Offer as many resources and links as I can. Before this week is pau I’ll have to flesh out the class section for the Art 112 thing I’ll be teaching next week. (OH I’M SO NERVOUS!)
Overall I’m excited about this site…it’s completely wordpress driven so I’ll have one less reason to update different sections as often as I want. I hope you readers will find something you’ll like here…come back often and by all means comment and say hello once in a while!