This flu remains persistent. I might wake up feeling pretty good, but an hour or two into the day I start feeling crappy here and there. It might be something where like I feel my sinus burning slightly, or I feel a dull ache in my right lower jaw. What’s irritating is that it’s not so horrible I can’t function, BUT it’s JUST enough annoyance that I just don’t feel like working at all.
A client of mine summed up the problem pretty well yesterday. She suggested my muse just wasn’t available to me now when I’m under the weather. Well…. my muse is not only unavailable, I think she’s just about checked out and left town. I don’t feel creative at all right now.
I have this one website project where a client has paid me good money to get this done. Day after day I’d sit here for hours and I just can’t do it…I’m completely blocked. All I can think of is my burning sinuses and my throbbing teeth. UGH! It be one thing if I just had a data-entry job just punching numbers into a computer and not having to think. But it’s another thing trying to create something beautiful when your just not all here.
I really don’t know what to do but to just force my way through this….come up with something that will keep the project moving ahead until my head clears up and my muse decides to come back from her vacation cruise.