Posted by on Jul 14, 2009 in My Business Adventures, Personal | 0 comments

Tomorrow I’m going into the doctor’s office to get my cholesterol checked. Yippee. I hate going to the doctor, much less going to the doctor to volunteer getting my skin punctured by a sharp needle.

I’m doing it because I bought life insurance recently…as always, they come and take blood samples (you know, they give you life insurance if you’re healthy and I assume you’re screwed if you’re not; great health system eh?) Anyway, the result came back that I’m doing very well with my health but they said my cholesterol was JUST high enough not to qualify for their super special rate. Just the GOOD rate they originally quoted me.

Now my wife hears that an automatically the “GOOD” rating is suddenly interpreted as being so bad that I can’t have ice cream, savor a burger, or even drive out for a good breakfast at Cinnamon’s (eggs benedict mmm) without getting a major stink eye from her. So now I gotta have this test just so I can have my eggs benedict in peace. Summmamabeeatch.

On other news, I’m itching to get my new business cards in. Yeah, finally after 4 years I finally come up with a new card design for myself. This one costs me $.84 per business card. YOWTCH. It’s either going to turn out super fancy dancy and I’ll get new attention, and hopefully new business, as a result of it. OR it’s going to turn into another printing disaster like what happened to me a few weeks ago and I’ll be down another few hundred bucks on bad printing. I’m a big advocate of the business card though — it’s the best first impression marketing piece in existance. I figure I better put my money where my mouth is (or is it mouth where my money is?) and dish out some dough on a good card. I’ll report back on this when I get my cards in another couple days.