Posted by on Nov 22, 2009 in Personal, Photography | 0 comments


Kingston’s 10 months old now. He’s gotten to the point where he’d be considered actively mobile? I guess that’s the fancy way of saying he can get to where he wants to go whenever he wants to go.

Case in point…here I’ve caught him in the act of touching my audio equipment. I think he has a little bit of an idea that he isn’t supposed to go there. See how he looks at me while he does it? Oh yeah, those are the eyes of a guilty party I know it.

I can’t quite figure out how to discipline him yet. Back in my day my dad might have smacked me upside the head. I think today I’m trying to practice more civilized methods but I’m not sure he’ll get what a “timeout” is just yet either.

For now, it just amounts to Dad getting up every 5 minutes to pick him up as he beelines for my stuff.