So here we are…middle of the month of December already and it’s just flying by like mad. It never fails to feel like a crush this time of year. In part because I always try to jam on projects before the 2 upcoming long weekends hits us, and then there’s all the Holiday shopping and craziness that comes along with it.
Have I done my shopping this year? Bwahahaha. No way. I mean I got my boy and my parents covered. But I still have my wife and my brother to take care of. These two family members are often the toughest for me…my wife never seems to want anything, yet anything practical I can think of getting her (like a Wii Fitness game or fancy kitchen appliance) will just come across the wrong way. (insert dog house here)
And my brother just about has everything cool that I’d want already. He’s often the guy that gets the vehicles, game consoles, toys, etc that I think is pretty cool and then he applies the pressure on me to get it as well. So buying things for my brother is a bit challenging.
So between the shopping and the projects, I’m always meaning to design fancy Xmas cards each year for my friends and clients. This year I swore to myself that I’d start early like in September…but here we are in December and that TO-DO items still sitting there in my list glaring at me. I don’t think I have time for Xmas. I just might do Chinese New Years cards this year…not too many people get cards around that time of year anyway perhaps it might help. I have a design colleague in Downtown that does annual Chinese New Years cards for his clients…perhaps now I see the reason why.
Well, enough of a break for me…