Sorry I’ve been out of commission and hard to reach for the past few days. I picked up some kind of nasty virus that kicked my ass this past weekend. My head felt like exploding, I couldn’t eat a bite in 3 days, and…um…let’s say I had a unlimited riding pass on the porcelain bus. One-way.
Have you ever been so sick and miserable that suicide actually enters your mind as an option? Come-on…you’ve been very lucky if you haven’t. It was about the time I got up for the 2nd time one night for a bathroom call and on the journey from my bed to the bathroom I suddenly blacked out and found myself crawling on the floor in a cold sweat. Yuuuup, these are the times I suddenly feel a lot of empathy for people with real hardcore illnesses.
Anyway, things are slowly turning around…I can eat little bits of food here and there and I at least today my mind feels a little more cognizant. I’m going to try catch up with emails and what work I can so please forgive me if I’m a little backlogged in responding to you.