There was a 2-alarm fire at a house not more than 70 yards away from here. I saw the tips of the flames peeking above a neighbor’s rooftop this morning and watched as tons of firetrucks and police vehicles came flooding in. Luckily they got it under control and I understand everyone got out. Tough day for that family today.
Makes me want to reflect a bit and be thankful that everything running relatively ok for me these days despite some pressures here and there:
- Kingston is doing fine. I think he’s got the ability to walk by now but he just doesn’t have the confidence yet. We’ve seen him take more than 5 or 6 steps at a time but more often then not he’ll choose to grab somebody before taking off. I guess he has a cautious personality built in. I guess that’s good…he won’t be one of those kids who jumps headfirst into ocean reef. br> br>He’s got 3 teeth coming in but I’m not sure he knows how to use them yet. He mostly swallows everything we give him without much chewing. When I say “everything”, I mean it too…he’s yet to show any signs of disliking any food choices. I know that’s good but I’m also aware that this is probably only a matter of time before he starts spitting out his mom’s evil concoction of blended tofu, avocado & eggs.
- Speaking of mom, my wife’s doing about as good as can be. It’s sometimes still hard to believe it’s already been close to 3 years since we got married….there’s still so much adjustment we try to make for each other still yet to this day. She still has to get used to my messiness and brooding… I have to get use to an obsession with ants.
- My wife’s been trying to control ants that have decided to take scenic trips through our apartment in recent months. I mean, we’re not talking swarms of ants…often we’d see 4 or 5 of them walking a trail here and there. I’ve always shrugged them off because I’ve seen them all the time growing up. But my wife always suspects the worst, like they’re building huge ant pillars in our cabinets or they’re planning an ant Armageddon. So she goes after each and every one of them armed with gloves and everything from Raid to bleach. br> br>The ants aren’t exactly helping the cause either. I don’t know how it happens but there could be a tiny drop of juice on a counter and out of nowhere in about 10 minutes the ants turn up and I hear a shriek from my wife. Again, it’s just a few and I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’ve seen friends who live in houses who deal with ants all the time. br> br>Then it got personal…I ended up finding ants dwelling in my coffee maker. AND somehow they found living in our clothes iron comfortable too because I was ironing a pair of jeans one day and I ended up frying a bungload of ants on my pants. All the while I heard my wife’s voice in my head, “See? I told you so”
- Heading to Hong Kong in about 5 weeks. I’m REALLY looking forward to this trip. It’ll be the first major trip I’ve been to since we got married. On the flip side I’m really nervous about how Kingston will hold up for the flight. The doctor says it’s ok to “drug” him a little with Benedryl to calm him on the flight…but asked us to test it on him before we go because some babies can flip out and actually get more wired up with those drugs. So sometime in the next few weeks we’ll have to drug our child…. that doesn’t sound right at all does it? Sorry my little man.
So there you have it….day in the life.