Posted by on Mar 9, 2010 in My Business Adventures, Personal, Webdesign | 0 comments

I’ve been doing web-design since I first discovered it back in 1995-1996. Put it into perspective…most sites were hand-coded, I think HTML editors were just starting to turn up (I remember one of my favorite editors at the time was one called HotDog made by a company called Sausage), Photoshop was maybe around version 2 or 3 (there was no such thing as image slicing tools), the only browsers to contend with at the time were Netscape and the fancy new browser called “Internet Explorer”, and the growing masses of people who were getting online were between 9600 – 14.4k squeaky baud modems. There were no digital cameras, and I think the only “Flash” that existed belonged on top of my dad’s manual SLR camera.

I don’t miss those days too much. But I DO sometimes feel some nostalgia for the days when all of this were so much simpler. The fancy trends of the time may have just been doing some header graphics with embossing effects, or the fact you could manage to get a rollover to work across 2 browsers was a huge deal.

Sometimes I feel the need to maybe pull up some of these old website archives just to admire the effort that might have been put into something that now seems so trivial. But then I think again….things are never as good as you remember them to be.

Take an early site I had designed for myself above back in ’97? Can you believe that was it?  The fact it wasn’t a default grey background and that I could implement some basic photoshop graphics on it was about as much as I needed to do. /sigh

What my design had anything to do with a cow I have no idea today. But I do remember getting it to go “MOO!” which was the highlight of my life.