Things have gotten very busy lately….I’m talking both with work and in general life. It’s both good and bad; when there’s no work you stress out over bills, but when there’s too much to do, you stress out over how you’ll manage to get everything done. I don’t know which is better?
Of course I’ll take the work. Lately it’s been coming in at a good pace. Now it only seems that I’m more rushed than some of my clients are. They’ll pay me to start, and then I’m sitting here waiting forever for them to bring in what I need. (If you’re one of these clients *hint hint*) I’d send out gentle reminders every week but I can only push so much. So I’m locked down sitting on my hands. I have this one project that has a short deadline looming up but I’ve yet to get the content in my hands…THAT’s stressing me out some.
Now on top of this, normal life things are occurring; house needs maintenance, wife was getting hit with some bad health days, and baby’s now walking around trying to destroy daddy’s stuff all evening long.
WHOOBOY. Some days I really gotta sit back and take a chill pill. I know “grass is always greener…”, but some days I wonder if it’ll all be somewhat easier taking a normal 9-5pm job somewhere where at least half of my life will be more stable and routine? I guess I’ll take things as it comes.
Birthday this past weekend went ok. Didn’t get to do exactly what I planned yet but we’re hoping this weekend can be a belated celebration of sorts. My wife got me a PS3 as sort of a combo gift from this past Xmas + Valentines + Birthday. (why is it that woman stack days up while us guys have to remember to get something on all the important days? hmm?) I’m excited about that…now if only I have the time to take it out of the box.