Posted by on Aug 9, 2010 in Personal | 0 comments

Well, my boy Kingston is still in intensive care. It’s hard to really put things to words….so many things have happened over the last few days that it’s an informational and emotional overload. If you watch the twitter feed over to the right hand side here, you’d probably have seen a flurry of posts I’ve made about my boy’s progress along the way.

What happened is still a little bit of a mystery and I’ve been advised to stay tight lipped about it for now. But suffice to say Kingston got a head injury while in someone else’s supervision. I’ve had a mixture of want-to-throwup feelings of grief sometimes….and then feelings of wanting to hit someone in anger the next minute. It’s been a rough few days.

As far as Kingston’s progress….well, he’s suffered what’s considered severe trauma and then a major brain surgery. It sounds scary just saying it. Sometimes I go about the day thinking he just got a little boo-boo and will be fine….but when you actually vocalize all he’s gone through, it’s mind shattering & depressing. We came *this* close to losing him.

He’s not out of the woods yet, but each day that passes is another day the doctors feel more assured. They’re watching him around the clock and so far all his tests and numbers are doing “as well as can be expected”. All I can do as a father is keep my spirits up when I can and hope for the best…one day this incident will be all behind us and I can joke with Kingston about how he finally gave dad the opportunity to ride in the front seat of an ambulance.

I miss my boy’s smile.  Can’t wait till I can see it again and feel that the universe is whole again…