One thing I discovered about having my own business in the midst of a personal crisis — the advantage of being my own boss allowed me to respond to my son’s situation really quick. From the time I got the call he was hurt till I was standing there next to the ambulance by his side wasn’t more than 4 minutes. Precious minutes I’m glad I gave my child so that he had the chance to be saved.
However, the one bad side about having my own business in the midst of a personal emergency — I’m screwed if I don’t work. Unlike my wife who has family medical leave while dealing with this situation, all my work sits there waiting for me unless I sit my ass down here and do something. My clients can only wait so long…
It’s been hard to concentrate. But there’s nothing to do about it but to just force myself to do what I need to do. Otherwise Kingston’s upcoming hospital bills will probably be another big concern in the near future.
On that note, for those of you who may be following along with the situation, Kingston’s condition improves day by day. He’s got most of his IVs pulled out already (poor little guy has bruises and scabs all over his hands and feet where they poked him), and he’s been off of sedation for a few days now. Mom washed his hair a couple times so it doesn’t look like nappy dreads.
He’s generally in a good mood….even laughs and requests his favorite movie all the time. Of course, nurse visits where they have to take samples, swab his nose, & check his temperature, always makes him fussy again. He’s been fighting a fever between 100F – 102F these past couple days but otherwise doesn’t act like he’s that sick.
He’s getting there….I want to thank any of you out there who have been so kind to offer your thoughts and prayers for the little one.