Kingston’s doing very well from a neurological standpoint. He’s walking on his own, albeit very weak and wobbly still. He’s eating and talking. He’s doing age-appropriate tasks. His weak right arm is showing little signs of improvement each day.
He’s got a fever that’s coming from a mystery source to doctors right now, which is preventing him from coming home still. All we can do is stay by his side and trust in the docs to try figure out the issue. From a parent’s perspective, anytime they draw blood, stick another tube down his nose, submit him to xrays, and generally cause him new discomfort feels a bit like adding salt to the wound, but what can you do?
This ordeal has definitely made my hair turn blue.
Thanks for posting regularly, and on Twitter. I’ve been following every day. You have not been alone in this. His picture looks great.
So cute, love seeing that smile.
Stacey and Kaianna
In a situation like this I don’t think anyone is ready to understand why it happened and how to deal with it. Luckily it seems to be fixing itself in the right direction. If there’s anything good that will come out of this ordeal is to understand that this little guy received a lot of love & attention from people, even strangers who’ve never met him, around the world. I feel just that energy alone might be a contributing factor to Kingston’s daily improvement…if anything, helping to lift the spirits of his parents helps the situation. Thank you.
We are here for you man!