A lot of shit going on in the world lately. I’ve been trying to keep perspective and doing some self-reflection over the past few weeks.
As I discussed with my best friend recently, I’m in a good position in life right now — my family are safe and happy (despite the fact mom and child are tucked into bed early tonight because they’re sick), we’re in a decent financial situation and slowly getting better, the weather is often beautiful, and I’m thankful every day how many good friends I’ve found over the years who have watched my back.
It’s unbecoming of me to be so optimistic I know. I do much better being grouch just like Larry David from “Curb Your Enthusiasm” It’s just after Kingston’s accident 1 year ago I’ve come to realize how a all of this could disappear in an INSTANT with just the slightest incident. Look at what happened in Japan and with all those folks who lost their jobs recently.
So I’m taking the proverbial rose-smelling minute.