Posted by on Sep 1, 2008 in Humor, Personal | 0 comments

Next year I may end up being invited to my…err… 20th high school reunion.  I’m sorry, there’s no other reaction I can say other then the truth, “Fuck, that’s old.”

I mean, seriously, TWENTY. Where the hell did that go?  Honestly, in my mind’s eye (frankly the only eye that counts for me) I don’t feel over 25.  I’m in better shape then I was back 20 years ago – I’m stronger at the gym, I can run further, more confidence, etc etc.  I’m just peaking!

When I look at myself in the mirror each morning I don’t look any older to me. Even some of my best friends I’ve known since high school don’t seem that much older. I’d like to think we’re frozen in time.

There’s a cold realization at some point in time where I know deep down that we must look very different. Once in a while I see pictures of some other old classmates I haven’t seen for 20 years…it’s bad, some of them look so freakin’ old. It takes a few seconds to register but at some point my inner voice comes crying, “Raph, shutup, you’re the same age, your ass has got just as many crinkles as that other guy”

Here I am still trying to play in a band (we’re playing this Tuesday by the way), I still dig my action figures and model toys, and I make a living drawing things.  I refuse to grow up.

I’m already “training” my little one. You know how they play Baby Mozart to the babies while they’re still in the womb? This morning while my wife was in the car I made sure to load up the TOOL music. I told my wife, “This kid is gonna ROCK!”. She just shook her head and sighed.

I’m ok. I think I can get away with this behavior for a couple more decades.  Just somebody PLEASE, PLEASE tap me on the shoulder and tell me to stop before I reach Keith Richard’s age?