Posted by on Sep 18, 2008 in My Business Adventures | 1 comment

When you run your own business, there’s a lot more to consider beyond just the skills and services that you offer.  Not only did I have to pick up all the crappy parts about business (i.e., doing the taxes, the record keeping, the billing, etc.), I also had to refine my own skills at doing things like speaking, public relations, marketing, sales, etc.

Obviously if I don’t make a sale. I have no projects to work on right?  No worky = no money = wife give stink look. (I make her sound like such the slave driver huh? Well, she’s a pretty slave driver)

Anyway, let me get to the point. I have a client, turned friend, Pam Chambers who’s a great presentation coach in Hawaii.  She unintentionally makes me very self conscious sometimes when I address her because I know I have to be in my best behaviour when I’m communicating with her.  She’s a communication coach….yikes I better speak perfect right?

One time, she gave me this great free tip (I hope she doesn’t mind I pass this tip out to you folks) —  I finished a call to her after she asked me to do something and I responded, “No problem”

BUZZZZ!  She told me, “You know Raph, you never say “no problem” because two negatives never makes a positive.” So in other words, “No” is a negative word. And “Problem” is a negative word, so when the listener hears that, it isn’t necessarily percieved as a positive response.  Better to say things like, “I’m happy to help” for instance.

She told me now that I know, I’m going to be catching myself saying that all the time.

AND I DO!!  Darnit, once in a while now I say “No problem” to people and after each time I hear the little BUZZ in my head and a tiny Pam Chambers voice scolds me! Thanks Pam!

I think I have enough voices in my head.