Here it is…proof positive that my lil’ guy coming soon is ready to rock. He’s got the rock devil-horn sign ready to go. I told my wife recently I’m gonna push all these rock instruments around him early to see if he picks any of them up. Maybe he’ll become a rock prodigy?
I went to see my first ultrasound with my wife yesterday. It was certainly cool where you can see the little one moving around and you can count all the fingers and toes. It’s a funny feeling at this point in time when you get ready to be a first time parent. All the other worries about parenting are temporarily gone….all you care about is that this little life is healthy. Make sure he has all his toes, feet, arms, brain (that’s a key one) and a strong beating heart.
He’s got to have enough fingers for playing guitar, DuuuuUUUUh.