Posted by on May 22, 2009 in My Business Adventures, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

So today’s my last day of my self-imposed vacation.  Of course, this is a long Memorial Day weekend coming up but now with a little boy involved, these weekends aren’t so much for me anymore. So once again, another vacation has come and gone. I’m not so sure I managed to relax as much as I set out to do, but I did accomplish a few things I wanted to do. (a) cleaned up my office, (b) played a satisfying amount of Fallout 3 on Xbox, (c) managed to pick up a running again after a 6-month haitus, and (d) managed to find a morning to head out to an Arboretum to practice my photography.

What do you think?  I like the results. I certainly had an easier time getting these types of shots with my new camera than my old one. The higher ISO settings plus the availablilty of Live Mode in the 50D made it a much more powerful tool to grab the shots I wanted. Of course…all I had was just my one kit lens, so I had to make do as much as I could. I got eaten by mosquitoes despite over-dosing myself with repellant, and a couple times I fell on my ass walking the garden.

Luckily nobody was around to laugh at me except for a pair of Hawaiian birds.