Posted by on Nov 13, 2009 in My Business Adventures, Personal | 0 comments

I think I managed to find a crack in this designer’s block I’ve had for a few weeks. At least I think I managed to come up with a website design for one of my clients that rather inspires me to continue working with it.  Might be a bit too funky for this one very conservative client I have, but I think this may work out because I have another client who wants something funky anyway. If one client doesn’t like it….another might. So it’s a nice two-fer.

I don’t know where this week went. It’s already Friday? I spent Monday with my wife who stayed home for “vacation”. Only her idea of vacation is cleaning every spot of the house in every way possible. So that day was kinda shot.

And then Kingston ended up hitting a fever this week and spent two days at home with daddy. As much as I know that’s a normal part of childhood, I can now relate to other parents when they feel aweful when they see their little guy in bad health. That little guy had me on a leash, he’d whine a little bit and I’d be jumping up to wait on him.

Yup, daddy’s whipped from both sides.  Hmmm…that sounds kinda wrong.