So Kingston is at an age now where he’s into climbing everything, but hasn’t yet built any healthy respect for heights or impending danger. He’d climb up on our bed and stand up teetering dangerously over the edge. It doesn’t help that my son has a HUGE noggin…it’s like he’s all head with just some extra parts so he can move that head around. (It’s adorably cute now, but I don’t want him to be the brunt of any big head jokes one day…. it’s just ok if dad jokes about it now)
So yesterday, on my watch, he’s happily watching TV on our sofa, I turn around to clean something and plop…I hear him take a fall and watch him come crashing towards the end table at the end of our sofa. I jump to catch him in time, but he came away with a good scratch across his face under his eye and some scratches on his belly. He looks like he just fought an MMA battle. /sigh. This parenting business is getting me OLD I tell ya.