I stumbled across this site today, aptly named “The Daily Figure” where this artist posts… err….a daily figure each day. Pretty nice…it certainly reminds me of the early gestural drawings we had to practice in art classes. If you’ve never taken an art class before…gestural art is the practice of just using lines...
Read MorePhotochopped
I guess some people are deciding to fight back against celebrity ads by sticking Photoshop panels on it, maybe it’s just geek graffiti? I guess they stick these Photoshop panels on the billboards in Berlin as some sort of commentary against Photoshop celebrities and models? I find it slightly funny…in a geek inside-joke kinda way. (via...
Read MoreiPhone Art
While we’re on the video tip, I had this bookmarked for a little bit intending to share this with you. Here’s a demo of a guy doing art using his iPhone. Another artists collects his iPhone art in his Flikr account.
Read MoreHappy New Year
Here’s the illustration I worked up for this year’s card I’m starting to send to everyone. It reads: We missed our chance to say Merry Christmas & Even a Happy New Year, But it’s probably never ever too late to Spread a Little Cheer! No it’s not as clever as the Holiday cards from Roy Doty I pointed out a few weeks back,...
Read MorePicking Colors
My best friend asked me the other day, “How do you pick good colors?”. Beyond the shock I got trying to grasp the idea that my buddy was trying to design something (he always says he can’t design), I got to thinking to myself, “hmm, how DO I pick good colors for my projects?” I didn’t have a good answer for him. I had...
Read MoreRoy Doty
I should be better about doing my Holiday Greeting cards each year. It’s a small little fun gesture I like to do for my clients & friends and I think when I take the time to hand-write something, it makes a difference & shows some personal commitment. I did it for the 1st year of business but it’s been increasingly delayed each year of...
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