World’s smallest hamburger? At a risk of sounding very effeminate, that’s gotta be the most adorable looking hamburger I’ve ever seen. I like the little puff of smoke coming off of the grill too! The little oil spots, the tiny sesame’s…OH, my head will explode from the cuteness. How would you order a...
Read MoreJoshua Petker
Beautiful artwork by an artist named Joshua Petker. I really like the colors and expressions he has for his subjects. I guess why it has this particular flavor is because of his graffiti art background. I’d hang some of these up on my walls… Pffft, I’m all talk though, 4 months here in my new place and we’ve yet to hang anything...
Read MoreGrass head
On a lighter note isn’t this image neat? This artist from the Netherlands (Netherlandish?) did a series of self-portraits mimicing the 4 seasons. This would make a hella-cool Halloween costume if I had the patience to sit there for hours gluing grass to my face.
Read MoreHypnotic Gadgets
Gizmodo had this great collection of “Hypnotic Gadgets” on their site yesterday. Pretty amazing stuff. I’m resisting the urge to launch into another “why can’t we have cool stuff like this in Hawaii” tirade. Think about this though, with all the talk our local politicians have about how we’re so IT friendly and how...
Read MoreLive Portraits
Here’s another exhibit that’s pretty cool. It’s an installation art piece called CUBE that uses tech to generate “portraits” on the fly. In other words, the CUBE is designed to collect thousands of live video snippets and then make its own decisions on how it would display it on the screens. It’s like live portraits....
Read MoreGig Posters
Here are some cool gig posters that were collected by WellMedicated. Gig posters are always fun to collect. Unfortunately here in Hawaii I don’t see too many opportunities to collect them. Back in the day when I used to work for Hungry Ear Music, this little used music store in town, we used to have opportunities to collect some cool promotional...
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