My best friend asked me the other day, “How do you pick good colors?”. Beyond the shock I got trying to grasp the idea that my buddy was trying to design something (he always says he can’t design), I got to thinking to myself, “hmm, how DO I pick good colors for my projects?” I didn’t have a good answer for him. I had...
Read MoreAnother CS4 review
Here’s a Gizmodo author’s review of CS4 to add on to my own take last week. I found the commentary to be pretty interesting too, getting a sense of what some people think. Some love it, some want it, some hated it. Mah, pretty standard I guess. It did get me thinking though…are these software companies pumping out new versions too...
Read MoreArt 112 Student Projects
Well, I’ve finally uploaded most of the student projects turned into me this semester. God my eyes have crossed reading all this material and uploading everything. Take a peek…some of these students may become successful designers someday.
Read MoreDid you know?
Stumbled across this video while jumping around through some of my favorite Blogs. It’s a bit scary in some areas…not too flattering about the US either. But a lot of these details here certainly make you go, “Hmmmm” You can get all philosophical about this kind of stuff… makes me wonder with all the amazing progress human...
Read MoreI don’t want that project…
I don’t know if you just have to be in the business of webdesign to understand this humor, but I found this funny list of people you don’t want as clients. The sad thing is that I’ve encountered a good 75% of these situations before. I guess it comes with the territory… (via: Zeldman) Pleeeease…if you’re going to come...
Read MoreStorming
If you’ve been trying to reach me here at Lowe Studio today, you probably had a little touble. Sorry about that. A freak storm hit our area today which brought all the electric power and internet service down at my office. If there are any emergencies, it’s best to call or text my cell phone at 808-781-9529 today. Here I am sitting at a...
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