I’ve somehow managed to get a hold of the entire series of Uncanny Xmen in digital archive format so I’ve made it a mission to read it through right from the first issue. As it turns out, the early issues of the series was actually pretty difficult to read. The cheese factor and innocence of that era of comic book writing really shows through....
Read MoreScrolling websites
I’ve been having this discussion with my brother recently about usability in web design. I know…a bit of a geeky conversation, but since my brother and I have overlapped in some areas of our careers, it was just another thing that we talked about. It all started out when he sent me a pretty cool collection of CSS scrolling websites. This type...
Read MoreOsaka water display
I won’t say it. NO! I won’t say how jealous I am that there are amazing giant futuristic mysterious water jet displays out there in the world, and I never get to see it because I’m stuck on an island. I’m going to get the inevitable, “Well why don’t you just move then” remark. “Bitch, get me some cash to go...
Read MoreDesign is everywhere
In the late 70’s my father had a crazy job over in the 1 year we spent in Australia. I think he spent MONTHs behind one of those giant desktop magnifying glasses, hand-engraving a seamless texture pattern that was eventually applied on the handles of a ski pole. Think about that…one tiny random pattern at a time was custom hand-engraved one...
Read MoreIlluminated books
File this under the this-is-cool-but-there’s-no-way-I-have-the-time-to-do-something-like-this category. (via Toxel)
Read MoreWeb Accessibility for Designers
A good list of things to think about when creating a new website. Over the years I’ve done my share of mistakes creating sites that were not as accessible as they should be (e.g., removing underlines from links anyone?). But I see a comeback of these rules now with more control of CSS. (via WebAIM)
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