Kingston looks like I feel today. I got a bunch of new photos over the weekend. Picked up a new 50mm lens over Craigslist last week so I had a fun time playing with that. Kingston’s doing ok…with the exception once in a while I just can’t console him. Those are the days my mind just shuts down and I have to hand him to mom.
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Hmm, this is not a bad idea, I should stick Kingston up on my office wall. I’m not sure exactly what I’m reading on this site, but it looks to be a collection of creative advertisements. (via Kreativbetrunken)
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So today’s my last day of my self-imposed vacation. Of course, this is a long Memorial Day weekend coming up but now with a little boy involved, these weekends aren’t so much for me anymore. So once again, another vacation has come and gone. I’m not so sure I managed to relax as much as I set out to do, but I did accomplish a few things...
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Kingston has reached the 3month mark. This is where he’s supposed to magically wake up from a crying ball of non-responsive jelly into a small toddler that’s supposed to sleep through the night, laugh at funny faces, and start getting curious things into his mouth. Well, he hasn’t quite done those things yet but there’s signs...
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Who say’s nothing is free? Here’s a good compilation of resources where you can get free vector graphics for any art projects you might have. Vector graphics allow you to stretch, pull, yank, enlarge, recolor, etc without any degredation in quality. (via Tutorialblog) I’ve recovered about 90% – 95% of my flu. There’s a lot...
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This was an experiment to see how many of you I could get to yawn while looking at this image. Pffft, bullshit you say? You’re right, this was actually a photo from the collection of photographer Peter Funch who apparently stakes out New York City streets two weeks at a time taking photos and then composites them into a single image using...
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