Posted by on Sep 16, 2008 in Art | 0 comments

This cool watercolor is actually quite good timing. I have one student who’s working on an illustration where there’s a gigantic chocolate monster chasing after some runaway fruit.  I know, a little bizarre subject matter but it’s fun for the class.

Anyway we were talking yesterday about how this creature could be made to look ginormous.  (My new created word of the day)  I suggested he try to use scale to show relative sizes of the objects…put his monster next to tiny trees and stuff so that the viewer can picture how huge it is.

Poof! Here’s a good example right here.  This beautiful watercolor is by an artist named Chris Appelhans.  Very niiice.  I tried watercolor once in school and I had a hard time using that media. Had I known I could have turned my water blotch into a cool monster interpretation like this I could have made something of myself.

via: Monster-Munch